Friday, October 31, 2008

when i was young, i was told by other kids that i was weird because halloween was my favorite holiday.
i'm still weird.
and it's still my favorite holiday.

what's yours?

have a happy halloween and a great weekend!


Tracy said...

Oh, it's Thanksgiving for me, hands down.
All the great food and cozy family together-ness without the commercialism and hassle of gift-buying.

jenica said...

yes, i'm a thanksgiving fan as well. although this year was a LOT of halloween fun. hope you had a great time!


Cait said...

Scary hat. I've noticed that more kids learn to read and even write more through scary Halloween really is one of those holidays you can have fun with. While at Thanksgiving and those other holidays, you have to dress up. You have to eat up all the ramen top noodle so you want get into the good stuff. You have to waitm and your mom forgot to get normal food. But with Halloween, you get to dress up, you get to be someone else, you laugh, you run around on a cool October night where one adenture waits after another... and there's candy.

Heidi said...

I think Christmas is my favorite although I really wish the stores wouldn't bombard us with it so soon. Too much pressure.
I like the hat!