Monday, September 7, 2009

sometimes i have dreams of big enormous full moons
the moon is so large that it can't even be seen in its entirety
because it extends far below the earth's horizon.
i stand in its orangey light
and look closely at all its imperfections.....
the craters and dips.
and i think
this is perfect in its imperfection.
and why is it
that i can see that in other things
and other people,

but not in myself?


Heidi said...

Perfect in its are you.

Char said...

i think that is difficult for most people - we're taught to love others despite imperfections but to be as near perfect as we can be. weird conflicts it creates huh?

Cait said...

This poem makes me think of people I see day in and day out and how much they are full of life and doing something wonderful..and then I start to wonder, well, am I doing anything, really.

Hope you had a great Labor day weekend.

Unknown said...

Such a great poem! ;D very inspiring, hope to see more from you. Have a wonderful week. ;D

Travel and Living
Job Hunt Pinoy

clover said...

Thank you for being exactly who you are. Thank you for contributing to Beauty in the sharing of your gifts.

Leenie said...

Good question. Do you think this problem is universal or do some societies not struggle with it?

Sandra Lundy said...

oh wow - just what i was going to let my photo challenge be about this week....i think i may just go through with it now.